The blu Experience

Cyber Scoring

One step towards a secure IT business environment –
Fast and discreet security assessment of your company’s IT infrastructure


The interplay of digitalization, globalization, and intense competition is constantly placing new demands on IT security and infrastructure. Maintaining an overview of internal IT security requires continuous, detailed, and often time-consuming analysis.


Our IT and cyber scoring enable us to provide our customers with a fast, objective, and detailed IT security assessment tailored to their specific needs and requirements. Here, not only the internal assessment plays an important role, but also the analysis and objective assessment of external business partners.


Over 60 individual assessments are carried out for each controlled system, specially designed to meet the high requirements of German companies. The results and findings are classified individually into the following seven risk categories:
Based on our many years of experience, we can provide our customers with a comprehensive overview of internal IT security and facilitate the review and evaluation of business partners. Together, this is a major step towards a secure IT business environment. Contact our experts for a consultation.

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