blu Systems is a young, innovative company that is constantly on the hunt for creative minds who want to give their careers a new and exciting direction through their own commitment. We are looking for decisive colleagues who appreciate the opportunity to play a key role in the success of the company.
With blu Systems GmbH, blu Eye GmbH, and blu Guard, there is only one direction – upwards!
All vacant positions can be found here on our job board.
Teamlead Data Protection & Compliance Manager (f/m/d)
Teamlead Microsoft Cloud Solutions (f/m/d)
Account Manager (f/m/d)
Sales Assistant (f/w/d)
Is nothing suitable for you? Apply anyway!
We’re looking forward to seeing new, exciting faces.
The family-run company with flat hierarchies and short decision-making paths enables uncomplicated cooperation with plenty of room for each employee. The friendly cooperation promotes a pleasant working atmosphere. We treat each other as equals and are on a first-name basis from the Management Board to the trainees!
blu Health Management
Our employees make us what we are – a successfully growing company. To maintain this trend, various blu health measures contribute to the well-being of our employees:
- Regular sporting activities, such as a joint skiing day, or a soccer or baseball tournament, provide the necessary balance and sufficient exercise.
- Coaching events on preventative measures also take place regularly.
- Weekly fresh fruit at the Oberhaching office provides a daily vitamin boost and builds up the necessary immune system in everyday working life.
Laptop und Smartphone
Are an integral part of the work equipment to ensure flexible deployment.
blu Events
At blu Systems, we never miss out on fun – we always have a reason to celebrate. To promote a sense of togetherness and team spirit, we regularly organize great events outside of the office:
From summer parties and Spartan Races to go-kart races and Isar raft trips, to exuberant Wies’n evenings and the obligatory Christmas party – there’s something for every taste for party-loving blu’ers.
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